Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Evaluation Scaffold

What roles did you take on for this assignment?
Whilst doing this assingment, I took on the role of various things. At the beginning of the task, I took on the role of asking each and every team member which questions they desired to answer whilst allocating each question to each member. I also took on the role of creating the powerpoint with Joy. This was done by collecting all answered questions from all team members and combining it all into a powerpoint presentation. Towards the end of the task, I took on the role of collecting all information to finalise the design and edits of the powerpoint presentation whilst making sure all team members had completed their personal blog posts and evaluation scaffold.

What did you like about working as a group?
The good thing about working as a group was that everyone had the ability to share their ideas and thoughts towards the task at hand. I liked working as a group as it made a huge difference positvely when it came to answering all the questions... This is because we were all allocated specific questions, making it so much easier for each and every team member. I also enjoyed working as group because not only did we attempt to cooperate with another, but we too, succeeded in compeleting the task.

What was difficult about working as a group?
There was various difficultes working as a group. One of them was that it was difficult to keep in touch when it came to answering the questions and sharing them to all those in the group... it was difficult to communicate with another concerning the task at hand as we mostly stayed in pairs of myself and Joy and Christine with Rhyannon. This made it difficult to work as a group.. as most of the time, we worked as a pair, rather than a group of 4.

What did you learn about working as a group?
Working as a group has taught me that it is greatly essential to have communication within the group. This is because, without talking nor communicating with one another... it makes it much more difficult to complete the task. If there is no communication, then nothing of the task is completed to the best of it's ability. Working as a group taught me that without communcation and cooperation, a 'group' is nothing without it.

How well did you work together/cooperatively?
On my opinion, our group worked rather cooperatively. Despite the fact that it was hard to communicate with another... our group still had the ability to work as one to complete the task before the due date. We were able to communicate with another, making it so much easier for us to go off either at school or even at home to answer our allocated questions. Working cooperatively allowed us to make it clear on what was needed to be done so that the task was not only completed by the due date, but to the best of our ability.

Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes, within our group of 4, everyone did contribute fairly. Each and every team member contributed equally when it came to answering their questions... completing the powerpoint presentation and completing the handout, etc. Our group was able to answer our own allocated question with enthusiasm and no complaints at all... causing all work needed to be done. 

How well as an individual did you work as part of the group?
When it came to organising and assuring the group was fairly organised, I think I did part my part as an individual within the group. As an individual... I tried my best to make sure that not only all my questions were completed, but that each and every team member had completed theirs too. Also as an individual, i tried my best to display enthusiasm and motivation to the best of my ability. I encouraged my team members to not give up and stress out on the night before the due date as they were doing so... I told them not to stress out and to keep going for it. As an individual, I did everything I could to make our group, a group.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a team member:
As a team member, one of my weaknesses is completing my part of the task on time. This stand as a weakness because though I have the ability to do so, I sometimes lose concentration, causing myself to leave it to last minute. Another weakness as a team member would be losing my focus and motivation on the task at hand hald way through it.. and maybe causing the entire group to fall behind. On the other hand, one of my strengths as a team member would be the concern I have for those in my group. This stands as a strength because when I have a concern for others in the group, I tend to help them out and vice versa... making the task so much easiser to complete and finish.

Outline suggestions to improve your approach to group work:
  • Don't let team members down by losing concentration, focus and motivation
  • Keeping my set goal throughout the entire process of the task by not giving up
  • Don't ever leave things to the last minute
  • Stay in touch with each and every group member (communcation)
  • Be abit more organised as an individual and in terms of the group as well
  • Stay focused and motivated from start to finish
Blog yaaaa laataa!

Completion of Powerpoint Presentation

Here is an example of all the sides our powerpoint presentation. All questions were answered by each and every team member... when doing so, I collected all their information and combined with my own, I created and designed this powerpoint... Completeing the power point presentation section of this task.


Below is a useful image found describing the different parts that make up the muscular system (used in order to answer Christine's allocated question: What parts make up the system?):


  • Receiving answers from both Christine and Rhyannon is a success via hotmail
  • Now, combining all answers into the one powerpoint and editing and designning poweproint is all that is needed to complete the task
  • Problem: I recieved Christine's answer to her allocated question, however, she only completed it on the Skeletal System and not the Muscular System aswell (Solution: I must do last minute research in order to complete this section)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Planning: Title Page of powerpoint presentation


  • Today our group is working on the final touches for our powerpoint presentation and handout
  • It is decided that Christine and Rhyannon will communicate with another tonight to complete the handout by tomorrow... they also decided that Rhyannon will be sending her part of the handout to Christine for her to combine it with hers to print 30 copies out
  • Joy and myself worked on our blogs today by including a summary of all the resources we used as individuals to complete the reasearch and questions
  • Tonight, it is also deicded that Christine will send her allocated quesitons to me via facebook so that I may edit, design and finish the powerpoint completely
  • Work still needed to completely finish the task at hand



Here is a summary of all the resources I used in order to complete my allocated
quesitons as an individual:

          How does it work? (Muscular & Skeletal System):


Here is an example of some of the slides for the powerpoint presentation,
created on Microsoft PowerPoint.


  • Joy collected her information of her questions and added them to a powerpoint... after doing so, she sent the powerpoint to myself to edit and to add my answers to my questions to it.
  • Right now, I am working on the powerpoint by editing it and combining Joy's and my own work into the one powerpoint.
  • Tomorrow, I will be collecting Christine and Rhyanonn's answers to add it to the powerpoint presentation.
  • So far, three quaters of the powerpoint presentation is completed.
  • Making of a script is being decided to wether to do so or not

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Brief research on Muscular/Skeletal System: How does it work?

Now, i shall be starting on my second 2nd question which is Question 3.
Question 3: How does it work? Here you could for example create a flow diagram outlining how the system should work if the individual is healthy.
Background information: Our skeletal system works to support our body. As humans,
we are vertebrates (we have bony jonted endoskeletons) Endoskeleton: a frame within
the body that provides support for the body as it continually grows and develops.

  • The skeletal system works within us as it provides protection, support and your blood cell formation. It also stores minerals and energy and allows us to move.
  • It is covered with muscles that give us the ability to move. Through tendons, muscles are attached to the bones
  • Bones and muscles work as one through a series of impulses and signals communicated through the brain and skeletal muscles
  • For us to move, the nervous system signals the skeletal muscle to make a movement. When doing so, the movement causes the bone/s to follow along… causing your every day movements.
  • Bibliography:

Brief research on Muscular System: Why do we need it?

Today, I plan to finish my research so that Joy and myself can start
on the powerpoint presentation.

Question 1: Why do we need it? Describe what the body system does for you, what functions does it perform?

MUSCULAR SYSTEM (Basic Information):

  •  The human body contains over 650 individual muscles in which they are attached to the skeleton. (the skeleton provides a pulling power that gives us the ability to move around)
  • It's main job is to provide movement for the body (just as the skeletal system)
  • It consists of 3 different types of muscle tissues (skeletal, cardiac and smooth)
  • Each of these tissues have various abilites to contract, allowing the human body to move and function
  • 40% of our weight can make up to be the muscles within our body
  • Cardiac Muscles: Found in the heart (in the form of a involuntary muscle) It keeps the heart pumping and it pumps blood through our body. (Involuntary muscles line the internal organs of the body. Also known as the 'smooth' muscles that control things such as our stomach, etc.
  • Voluntary Muscles: used when throwing balls, walking, running and lifting various objects, etc. Also known as the 'skeletal' muscles. They are controlled by the signals of our brain, allowing the trigger of the contraction... performing the desired movement.
  • Functions:- The muscular system has various roles towards the human body.
    - It is made up of muscles, joints, tendons, bones and ligaments that give continual support to the internal organs
    - These systems work together to provide our body with movement, posture, etc.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Brief research on Skeletal System: Why do we need it?

Today our group decided the ways the task will be completeled before
the due date.

  • Christine & Rhyannon: Christine and Rhyannon will be completing the class hand out section of this task. We decided that as a pair, they will work together to get the class hand out completeled before the due date.
  • Joy & Myself: Joy and myself will have the job of completing the powerpoint presentation section of this task. As a pair, we will collect all the information researched by the entire group and put it all together as a powerpoint.

Question 1: Why do we need it? Describe what the body system does for you, what functions does it perform?

SKELETAL SYSTEM: (Basic information)

  • Without our bones, we wouldn't be able to move, jump or even get of of our seats

  • We need our bones to help protect other parts of our body, it gives it stucture and shape

  • For example: our skull protects our brain and our rib cage protects our heart and lungs

  • When you were born, you were born with more than 300 bones... but the moment you stop growing, you'll have 206

  • Your bones live just as well as you, they grow as you get older

  • It gives us the ability to move

  • Various functions include:
    The Skeletal System protects the vital organs (brain is protected by the skull, heart and lungs protected by the rib cage)
    - Bones in our body act as a storage area for minerals such as calcium
    - Blood cells are produced by the marrow (located in some bones)
In conclusion, without our bones we wouldn't have no abosute body movement at all... we would pretty much be walking this earth as some BLOB!

Blog yaaa laataa!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Today we allocated questions to answer for each group member
for our presentation. Questions allocated per group member is as follows:
Question 1 & 3: Myself
Question 2: Christine (1 question only allocated to her as it is a rather harder question)
Question 4 & 5: Joy
Question 6 & 7: Rhyannon

  • Today our group had to search for Skeletal and Muscular System books as the school library as the computers weren't running
  •  Photocopies of the science assesment sheets were contributed to the members of the group
  • Some relevant information found in books for our own allocated questions
  •  Further reading needed in books to find more information to answer questions allocated.
Books found/borrowed:
The Skeleton & Movement, Steve Parker
Muscles, Steve Parker
(sources/books from school library)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Science Blog #1

YELLOW! welome to my science blog.
In my group of 4, i have Christine, Joy Marie, Rhyannon and myself..
Today we recieved our Science Assesment and from now and the weeks to
come, we shall be adventuring through the wonderful mysterious
of the Skeletal and Muscular System.

Blog ya' lataa!