Monday, August 16, 2010

Brief research on Skeletal System: Why do we need it?

Today our group decided the ways the task will be completeled before
the due date.

  • Christine & Rhyannon: Christine and Rhyannon will be completing the class hand out section of this task. We decided that as a pair, they will work together to get the class hand out completeled before the due date.
  • Joy & Myself: Joy and myself will have the job of completing the powerpoint presentation section of this task. As a pair, we will collect all the information researched by the entire group and put it all together as a powerpoint.

Question 1: Why do we need it? Describe what the body system does for you, what functions does it perform?

SKELETAL SYSTEM: (Basic information)

  • Without our bones, we wouldn't be able to move, jump or even get of of our seats

  • We need our bones to help protect other parts of our body, it gives it stucture and shape

  • For example: our skull protects our brain and our rib cage protects our heart and lungs

  • When you were born, you were born with more than 300 bones... but the moment you stop growing, you'll have 206

  • Your bones live just as well as you, they grow as you get older

  • It gives us the ability to move

  • Various functions include:
    The Skeletal System protects the vital organs (brain is protected by the skull, heart and lungs protected by the rib cage)
    - Bones in our body act as a storage area for minerals such as calcium
    - Blood cells are produced by the marrow (located in some bones)
In conclusion, without our bones we wouldn't have no abosute body movement at all... we would pretty much be walking this earth as some BLOB!

Blog yaaa laataa!

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