Monday, August 9, 2010


Today we allocated questions to answer for each group member
for our presentation. Questions allocated per group member is as follows:
Question 1 & 3: Myself
Question 2: Christine (1 question only allocated to her as it is a rather harder question)
Question 4 & 5: Joy
Question 6 & 7: Rhyannon

  • Today our group had to search for Skeletal and Muscular System books as the school library as the computers weren't running
  •  Photocopies of the science assesment sheets were contributed to the members of the group
  • Some relevant information found in books for our own allocated questions
  •  Further reading needed in books to find more information to answer questions allocated.
Books found/borrowed:
The Skeleton & Movement, Steve Parker
Muscles, Steve Parker
(sources/books from school library)

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